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    GLA: The Beautiful Skin Fatty Acid

    • 3 min read

    Written by the Smart Solutions Education Team

    Fatty acids are good fats for optimal health. Gamma linolenic acid, called GLA for short, is a very special essential fatty acid for beautiful skin and much more. Most of us know about omega 3 fatty acids from fish or flax seed oil. (We have to get essential fats like GLA from our diet.) The only human food to contain GLA is breast milk and after we are finished with breast milk our body is supposed to make GLA from the food we eat. For people with skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis or cradle cap they can not make GLA from the food they eat and this is why they suffer a GLA deficiency that causes these skin conditions. When it comes to GLA the only way to get enough of this important fatty acid is to take it in a nutritional supplement. Fish and flaxseed oil do not contain GLA.

    The highest concentrations of GLA are found in borage oil (up to 24%). Borage oil GLA is also cold pressed so no chemicals are used to extract it unlike evening primrose oil. GLA is not found in food in high enough quantities to maintain our needs through diet alone. The best borage oil is grown in northern Canada and Europe and the seeds are cold-pressed to provide an oil rich in GLA. Asian GLA has come into the marketplace and it is cheap, tastes bad and may contain contaminants. Our GLA SKIN OIL and Borage oil capsules contain the highest concentration of GLA and it is grown in Canada.

    GLA Eases Cramps and Breast Pain

    GLA deficiency is a major cause of pain, cramps, nausea, vomiting, bloating and headaches. In many women with breast pain and terrible PMS their ability to make GLA is often impaired. One trial done at the breast clinic at the University of Hong Kong used GLA for the treatment of cyclical breast pain. Of the 66 women in the study 97% responded to treatment with GLA after 6 months. Further studies have found unusually low concentrations of GLA in women suffering with period cramps and breast pain. To treat cramps and breast pain take 2 to 4 tsp of GLA SKIN OIL with food every day.

    GLA, Menopause and Skin

    In women who have gone through menopause, the enzyme that converts food into GLA becomes impaired. GLA makes your skin youthful and glowing. The main reason our skin becomes dull, dry and prone to rashes and redness after menopause is due to the inability to make GLA. After menopause it is essential that we take a daily dose of GLA to ensure beautiful skin. As we age GLA can reduce inflammation in the skin associated with wrinkled skin. Without sufficient GLA the skin becomes dry, rough and wrinkled. GLA is the beautiful skin oil.

    GLA and Skin Conditions

    Skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, cradle cap, acne and dry skin occur because we are deficient in GLA. GLA is vital for keeping skin cells moist and strong improving the barrier function of the skin. Sixty patients given 500 mg of GLA per day for eczema showed a 90% improvement over 12 weeks. Eczema is a common problem in infants and children. GLA is safe for all ages without the side effects seen with steroid creams.

    GLA has also been found to inhibit testosterone in the skin that causes acne. GLA can be taken both internally and applied externally to acne prone areas with excellent results.

    GLA Borage Oil is available in capsules or liquid.